Service Hour Guidelines
Students in 4th through 8th grade will participate in the Service Hour Program
The total number of hours students in each grade must complete is shown below. The total hours must include school service and community service but will not be divided between each this year. We ask that students participate in both types of service throughout the year.
Service hours must be recorded on the Service Hour Form, signed by the Supervisor of the services, and turned in to the Religion teacher each nine weeks by the deadline given by the teacher. Service Hours can be completed during (or before) each nine weeks period, as outlined below. Students who earn more hours than needed will be carried over to the following nine weeks for grading purposes.
The service hour program will count for 10 points each nine weeks toward the religion grade. Hours do not need to be earned during the nine weeks period to which the hours will be applied, as long as the hours are earned before the due date. For example, a 4th grade student can earn 2 service hours during the first nine weeks and apply one toward the religion grade in the first nine weeks and one in the second nine weeks.
Students not earning their service hours will receive a zero grade. If only a portion of the hours are earned, then a portion of the grade is given as follows.
Due dates for each nine weeks are assigned by the Religion teacher.
Many opportunities to earn service hours at school are given through participation in food drives, help in the cafeteria, help setting up for various functions at school, participating in school functions in the community such as singing at mass (CSW mass on Sunday, Graduation, playing bells for Relay for Life, Bonfire Festival, Parish Veterans Program) etc.
Most organizations ask for notification prior to service. Phone numbers of potential places in which service hours can be earned are listed below.
St. Vincent de Paul Society Store, Lutcher
(225) 869-1078 (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
Southeast LA Veterans Home, Reserve
(985) 479-4080
Chateau St. James, Lutcher
(225) 869-5725
The school will inform students as opportunities for service becomes available
Helping family members is considered a family service and does not count toward service hours.
If there is a question as to whether an activity is a service project, please ask your Religion teacher prior to completing the service. Teachers can be emailed by parents as well.
Students belonging to clubs or service organizations cannot use these activities for service projects that are designated by the club. However, if the school requests a club to participate in a function and students volunteer, service hours can be given.
Please keep your service hour form where it can be signed at the time of service so that you are ready to turn it in on the due dates given.