2nd Grade Curriculum

Religion (We Believe, Sadlier)

Jesus Christ is With Us Always; Jesus Calls Us to Penance and Reconciliation; Jesus Gives Himself in the Eucharist; We Live Our Catholic Faith; Sacraments; Retreats

Reading-(McGraw-Hill, Wonders)

Themes focus around: Friends and Family; Animal Discoveries; Live and Lear; Our Life/Our World; Let’s Make a Difference; How on Earth. Students are taught various skills under the topics of: concepts about print/print awareness; phonological awareness; phonemic awareness; phonics and decoding with word recognition; structural analysis/word analysis; fluency. Reading Literature skills are: comprehension strategies and skills; literary elements; write about/ literary response discussions; writing traits and applications; speaking and listening.

Language-(Bright Ideas Press Simple Solutions, English Grammar Mechancis)

With this program students are taught critical elements of grammar such as complete sentences, parts of a sentence such as verbs, subjects, nouns (common and proper), predicates, adverbs, adjectives, and pronouns, questions, statements, commands, and exclamation sentences, contractions, using capital letters, quotations marks, using commas, using commas in compound sentences, and writing a paragraph

Math- (McGraw-Hill, My Math)

Students master math skills such as: addition and subtraction properties with the use of two step word problems, number patters, adding two digit numbers, place value to 1000, adding three digit numbers, subtracting three digit numbers, money, data analysis, time, customary and metric lengths, and geometric shapes and equal shares.

Social Studies-(Scott Foresman, People and Places-Louisiana Edition)

The students learn about our state, country and world. Concepts of geography cover the Mississippi River. History brings about settlers and how they came to Louisiana. Culture teaches the various cultures in Louisiana. Civics is taught and how to be a good citizen in the community. Economics brings about Louisiana’s economy

Science-( Bright Ideas Press Simple Solutions)

This program allows students to develop the big ideas of science while providing depth and understanding. The students discuss topics such as: weather, measuring, flood and drought, living and nonliving things, Animal and plant life, solid, liquid and gas states, force and gravity and ends with natural resources.

Handwriting-(The Concerned Group, A Reason for Handwriting)

Students complete letter alignment, how letter slant should be uniform and consistent, size of letters, letter consistency and spacing.


  • Advent

  • Lent

  • Computer Lab

  • Mass

  • Christmas Pageant

  • Field Trips

  • Library

  • Physical Education

  • Reconciliation

  • Art

  • Music Appreciation

  • First Eucharist

Special Events

  • Dress Down Days

  • Catholic Schools Week

  • Grandparents Day

  • Birthdays

  • Red Ribbon Week

  • Spirit Day/Pep Rallies

  • Prayer Service/Mass

  • Walking Rosary

  • Pumpkin Patch

  • Bike/Trike-a-thon